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Te Whau Citizen Science Workshop –
a guide to using NatureWatchNZ for Biodiversity monitoring

NatureWatch NZ is New Zealand’s largest nationwide interactive online biodiversity community, enabling citizens to meet other nature watchers and learn about the natural world.

Dr Colin Meurk, a Senior Ecologist at Landcare Research, and guest facilitator at Te Whau Citizen Science workshop in New Lynn in April 2016, describes how valuable the data collected through NatureWatchNZ is for scientific research.

Below is a simple step-by-step guide to getting started with NatureWatchNZ

Nature Watch
Nature Watch
Nature Watch

Complete the boxes as below.

Add observation

Download the simple 5-Step Guide to entering an Observation into NatureWatchNZ

You can add observations into an existing Project on NatureWatchNZ, or you can set up your own Project.

How to join the “Whau River Project” on NatureWatchNZ:

1. Search under Projects for Whau River

NatureWatch NZ

2. Explore the special fauna and flora observed around the Whau River catchment.

Whau mapping flora and fauna

3. Join the Whau River project – You are now ready to record your own observations of life in your backyard or local reserve.

Whau river

How to upload Observations using the iNaturalist App on your Smartphone

You can always take NatureWatch NZ with you, with the free iNaturalist mobile App. available from the Apple App. Store or on Android from Google Play.

The iNaturalist mobile App. has the advantage of automatically recording your location as well as your photographs. iNaturalist is a global biodiversity network, so all observations you make on NatureWatch NZ simultaneously become part of  Therefore you get all the world’s naturalists looking at your hard to identify creatures and we share all of New Zealand nature with the world.

Download our simple guide – ‘How to record observations to the Whau River project on NatureWatchNZ using your Smartphone’

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You can check out your latest Observations on the NatureWatchNZ widget on our Whau River Catchment Trust Home page.

Finally, check out ‘Monitoring Nature Our Online Guide’ – a comprehensive online guide to all of the biodiversity and monitoring capabilities of the NatureWatchNZ platform.

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